It Tech Products
Consumer Report


On 7/2 I received a call from a man telling me that he does work on the copier I have in the back of my office, as if he had been here and seen it. He asked for the model number and I gave it to him.

Yesterday I received an invoice for toner in the amount of $838.00, with a $14.00 shipping fee. I did not order this toner, have not received it and if I do, intend to send it back.

Company: It Tech Products
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
ZIP: 92627
Address: P.O. Box 12017
Phone: 8779102009
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Summit Office Supply
Sent and billed for toner we did not order at an outragious price

Toner Factory Inc. - TF/Toner Max
Rip Off Scam

Modern Distributing Systems
Fraudulent Toner Sales

Warehouse Service Center, Inc
SCD Services, Inc. Posed as the company that is contracted to service our new copier. Proceeded to rip us off on toner

Summit Office Supply
Sent toner we did not order and bill for $800.00

Premium DIstributing Center

Big Ripoff! Dishonest, tricky, Fraud!

Superior Office Products
What a ripoff. These Jerkos need to be terminated

IDCSERVCO And TECH SERVICES Claims to be regular supplier of copier toner. Sends invoices for toner never ordered. Ripoff CULVER CITY California

Ripoff phone scam Don't