Ripoff phone scam Don't

Education & Science

I work at two different offices. At office "A", I received a phone call. The man on the phone said that he was updating thier records on our copier and wanted to know the copier #. So I told him the copier #, and then he told me that he was new here so he was going to transfer me to someone else. That's when a woman got on the phone.

She said that the assistant before me had ordered toner from them, but that unfortunately we got missed when they sent out the orders. And unfortunately their rates are going up, but lucky for us, they were going to send it out at the old rate to us. I thought that was pretty fair and said okay. I later got a phone call from corporate telling me that this company is on our "do not call list", and shouldn't have contacted me in the first place. I was also told that they would handle it, but when we received our toner, not to open it, but send it back immediately.

When it came in I was astonished to see that they had charged us over $400 for one thing of toner. That's what they call a discount. So anyways, I returned it end of story. Or so I thought. I went to work at office "B", I received a phone call today. Everything happened the same way.

The guy talked first, said he was new, transfered me to this woman. She told me that she was with SHARP, and that we were "once again" overlooked when they went to ship out our order, their prices went up again, imagine that, but they would ship it out at the old price.

Before the started asking me about my shipping information I asked them, what company did you say you were with? She hung up on me. I knew it was them, they do everything exactly the same every time. They must have it rehearsed. Lucky for me I didn't fall for it a second time.

Blue Hill, Nebraska

Company: IDC-Servco
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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IDCServco in cahoots with Hill Office Supplies to rip you off!

Superior Office Products
What a ripoff. These Jerkos need to be terminated

Toner Factory Inc. - TF/Toner Max
Rip Off Scam

Supply Distribution & Information Network
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Progressive Office Products
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Hill Office Supplies
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Office Support Systems

Warehouse Service Center, Inc
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Warehouse Services Center, INC./ IDCSERVCO
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Summit Office Supply
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