Google Checkout
Consumer Report


I ordered the "50 Shades" trilogy and was charged for both the trilogy ($29.99) AND the individual book "Fifty Shades of Gray". I did not order the individual book - why would I if I have the trilogy?!?!?

Company: Google Checkout
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
ZIP: 94043
Address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Phone: 6503300100
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Trilogy Mortgage
Recommend Trilogy

Trilogy pools
No call back

Trilogy Capital Management
Mitch Bonilla Trilogy, collection agency, mitch bonilla

Trilogy Capital Management
Ripoff dishonest collection practices

Trilogy Fiberglass Pools
Won't return my calls!

Trilogy Mortgage
Good recommendation

Poor service!

Trilogy Kitchens
Poor Workmanship!

Trilogy Mortgage
Lied to get business, then switched

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