Y And R Benifits
Consumer Report


An electronic check was taken from elderly father with demencia and other ailments... This is just robbery and fraud... Im hoping that someone can do something to these people who are quiltly... The benifits are meant for young college students without insurance for health... Ages 18 to 30... You cant tell me that a 84 year old man sounds like a young man... He didnt understand what they were trying to sell or couldnt quite hear them... I am his care giver and thanks to being aware that this transaction had been done on the phone made me think fraud... And bank statement proved me right... Thanks to the police and the bank in our town... We will get that money back... If this happens to you or someone you know or love... Call the police and the bank and turn them in... It is fraud and over 3 billion complaints have been made for just this amount... And some for even more

Company: Y And R Benifits
Country: USA
Phone: 8887780073
Site: yrbenefits.com
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Chase Bank
Consumer Report

USA Benifits
Took money out of my checking without authorization

Consumer Report

Custom Medic
CRYSTAL FORTIER Owner/Manager Check Fraud, Unauthorized withdrawal/payment from Checking account for services/product never ordered. Police Report Filed and complaint through bank yield no response or refund. Las Vegas Nevada

Consumer Report

Avanix Lending
Consumer Report

Direct benifits
Stole money out of my bank account

American Educational Services (AES)
EOS CCA, DCS Frudulent Activities of AES

Pnc Bank
Approved a fraudulent check, caught the error 5 days later, im responsible, they refused police report but i filed one

JB Hunt Trucking
Benifit Scam