Dish Network
Shame On Them


Earlier this month my debit card had an unauthorized charge so my bank reissued me a new debit card with a new number. A day or so before this happened I purchased a sling-box from Dish. A day after this happened I remembered my auto pay with Dish and gave them a call to inform them of the new debit card number. Bad policy number one: Dish required me to make an early payment because if I want to change debit cards I had to make a payment. I asked why and was told that its a Dish policy. Fast forward a few weeks to two days ago. My wife realized that her mobile connect wasn't working so I called to inquire why. A recording said my account was inactive and asked if I wanted to make a payment of "zero dollars and zero cents." I was assured everything was OK and my account would be refreshed within 15 minutes. Now today we have the same issue with mobile connect, our program guide only goes out one hour, and the DVR isn't recording anything. I called back to learn that the sling box I bought didn't go through because the first debit card was rejected. I PROACTIVELY CONTACTED THEM ABOUT THIS WEEKS AGO! Interestingly, I show a charge on my online bank statement but no credit back. I'll be watching for it. Bad policy number two: Because I switched my debit card number at the exact wrong time, I am now banned from using any debit card for the next 6 months. And of course I am required continue paperless billing so I have to remember when to pay Dish and for how much. So let me make sure I understand this; Dish is upset with me because a charge was denied - even though I proactively contacted them about it so they make me figure out how much I owe them and when to send payment. The chances of missing a payment now are much higher because of this dumb policy.
I was planning on switching to Direct TV a month ago but caught them in a lie during the installation. My cable company is unreliable and has a poor DVR system. So I'm stuck with the best of three poorly run companies. I can't wait until streaming TV through the Internet is more viable for me.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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Dish Network
Horrible Policies

Dish Network
Dish Network Sucks!

Dish Network
Fraudulent billing, charged money to my credit card when I didn't even have an account with them

Dish Network
Unathorized charges to my debit card and other problems

Dish TV
Debit charges

Dish Network
Used my debit card W/OUT My Authorization and charged my debit account 9.97 - they claim to not know anything about it

Dish Network
Stole money from my account

Dish Network
Ripoff fraudulent charges on my daughters bank debit/credit card

Dish Network
Stole from my bank account and not even a custome

Dish Network
Dish Network / Echostar Dish Network stole from my bank account