1 Match Online Dating Service
Consumer Report


My name is Rosie Decnodder, he told me he was an American soldier in Kabul. Widower with a teenage daughter who lived with an aunt in UK while he served in Kabul Afghanistan. Once he asked for money for his daughter Kate $6500.00 in British pounds so that she could go back to States to be with an ailing grandfather (HIS DAD). Then she was sick with Limes Dicease and was going to die, needed money for hospital bill and medicine. Then his dad had a stroke, needed money. Needed money to pay a soldier to switch with him so that he could take early leave to go back to the States. Needed money to pay off a debt, wanted money to buy gifts for his friends blackberr cellphones and Calvin Klien perfume for men. Kate healed, his dad was on again off again sick and well. Then he got sick; blood pressure problems. Promises of him coming to Canada and then not showing up. Kate was busted at the airport. He called me his wife, told me he loved me, I was the missing rib. I have kept all emails/instant messenger conversations. All paperwork pertaining to money sent. He is still active on websites. Recently I found on facebook as Samuel Sanchez. I have found "fake" websites. Same pictures different names. The give away are the tatoos on the arms. I have reported him several times because I have been told you should report him, yet no one has ever contacted me. I wonder how many others he has scammed over.

Company: 1 Match Online Dating Service
Country: USA
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Scammed me for alot of money. Same stories as others. Lives in Doylestown and went to Africa on a trip. Has a daughter named Jessica. Got sick and needed money to get home

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