Captain Nicholas Anderson
Consumer Report


Met Captain Nicholas (dont think that is his real name) on the dating site POF in July. He said that he lived in Green Bay, WI. But was stationed in Kabul Afghanistan. He said that he was born in Arizona but lived with foster/adoptive parents his whole life. Claimed he was divorced and has a daughter named Laura that still lives in Green Bay. There is no student registered in that school district by that name and no record of divorce there for him either.
First he wanted me to send him money to get a satellite phone so that we could talk anytime we wanted. I did not send any money for this.
THE TELEPHONE MONEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $270- $640, depending on the level of service we wanted, was to be WESTERN UNIONED TO A MARTIN HARRISON 5353 WEST PARKVIEW AVE KALAMAZOO, MI. Mr Anderson, of course, proclaimed his love for me and that I was the one that he would spend his life with. This was a bit creepy as I didnt know him well at all.
He then had 20,000$ worth of STOLEN computer parts delivered to my place of employment. He told me that it ws "stuff" from Afghanistan that he was sending it home ahead of himself. The next day, a courier must have picked these boxes up from my garage, as they were gone. I then received a call from the local police that this computer company was scammed.
Now the story is that Captain Nicholas is a Special Forces soldier and that his superior will not let him leave Afghanistan unless he pays this superior ten thousand dollars. He was trying to get me to send him the money, but I did not. At present, the amount this deceptive soldier wants is whatever I can send.
In the month of February, 14,000$ appears in my checking account. Mr Anderson texts me on Yahoo an gives me complete instructions to send the money to 4 different people, all through Western Union and Money Gram. The names on the Western Unions were Martin Harrison (again), Mary Barraza Cotes-Raleigh NC, I waited for 4 days (over the weekend) and called my bank security department. The money was stolen from an account at Merrill Lynch so of course I sent it back. When I confronted Nicholas, he said that he had no idea that it was stolen and that a friend sent it to me to get him out of Afghanistan. The funds were wired transfered from St Louis, Martin Holdren
We STILL chat at present time but as I have been investigating, I found this website and I am sure that he will know that I know now. He still claims to be in Kabul but now he texts me on a phone. Nicholas claims that he is texting me on a computer from a cell number. The cell number is from Irving Texas. The dummy that he is... He pocket dialed me twice, so I know that he is in the states. I could hear breathing, coughing and moving around in the back ground. I have not hear from him in about 5 days now. He will claim that its because he is on duty or in a dangerous situation.
Names that have appeared my search of who he really is, have come up Gbenga Fegene, who looked in his late 20's and dark skin color like he is Indian or Mexican decent.
I feel extremely sorry for the solider whos pictures that he uses. He sent me pictures of about 6 soldiers, appeared to be in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I'd like to send this imposter over there and show him exactly what a soldiers life is like over there.
Please feel free to contact me by email if you would like to touch base on the things that he has done to anyone else.

Company: Captain Nicholas Anderson
Country: USA
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Captain Nick Anderson
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