Consumer Report


I receive 37 messages that cost 3.00$ each and I thought that was 3$ for all of them. When i received the bill i was surprise and I dont have the money to pay for a questionnaire that caused me over 100$ for nothing.
Now I ask you to cancel the bill My mobile company is koodo and the phone number is (Personal Content Removed) do something please

Company: 4502714384
Country: USA
  <     >  


I keep getting these messages offering me to download many things. I have tried to unsubscribe but still i got charged on my mobile phone bill. I need to get a refund for the amount of $56.14. I will take the case further if I dont get a full refund
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Koodo Mobile
Koodo Mobile charged me for 3 months use after I cancelled my contract Internet

Internet company placing fraudulent charges, and SMS text messages on my T-Mobile account

MBLLOVE_ALT This company attempted to bill me via my mobile phone provider for text message dating services to which I did not subscribe and also did not receive

T-Mobile Keeps charging you after you cancle service

Koodo mobile
The cell phone did not receive calls

Silicon Investments
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Moabile Medial Sol
5655 mind quiz internet / mobile fraud?