Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report


My family and I just came home from a week long trip. As I go through the mail I see an envelope with the Home Depot Logo. When I open the envelope there is a check, for $3,980.00, and a letter stating my husband had won 150,000 US Dollars. I called him to ask him about it, but he did not have any idea. I called the number on the letter, and started asking questions. They only wanted to speak with him. So, I started looking up all the names listed on the check and the letter. I knew something was wrong when the company name from the check was a plumbing company. When I looked up Beaumont Investment Group I found this site. I saw a claim that showed their letter. It had the exact same information as my husbands letter, but their name was typed in. I appreciate the person that put their copy of the letter on this site, because I was able to cross check information with the letter we received. I hope and pray no one else falls prey to this scam. There are many people that may need this money, and won't check everything out.

Company: Beaumont Investment Group
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
ZIP: 60611-7269
Address: 200 E Ohio St, Suite 490
Phone: 8888135676
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Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group, 121 Broad Street, Oxford UK 0X1 3AS
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report

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Mighty Investment Group, Oxford UK
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Beaumont investment group, 111 broad street, oxford, uk 0x1 3as
Consumer Report

Beaumont Investment Group
Consumer Report