Consumer Report


I am not a member of Netflix since almost a year ago but they still have my information. On 6/1, I noticed a charge of $7.99 and I called immediately. I was informed by a supervisor, the will be in your account in a day or two. So on 6/4 I called and stated the money still was not there. I spoke with same supervisor (Amie) and was assured again in a day or two the money would be there. I checked my account today and not only was the money not there but there was another charge. So I called again today and spoke with Amie again who repeated again, exactly the same words as previously.
These are unauthorized withdrawals form my bank account so I went the bank and was explained, I could Hot-Card my card for $10.00 and in 10 business days I would receive a new card. I have several accounts which automatically are paid with my card. If I wait for the new card there would be an automatic late fee added to the accounts and they will in all likelihood regard me as some dead beat trying to pull something off.
How can NETFLIX do this and not be responsible for fraud, damages and extended damages because of their actions? Oh, I forgot because similar previous situations with Netflix and why I am no longer with this company, I record all conversations.

Company: NetFlix
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Gatos
ZIP: 95032
Address: 100 Winchester Circle
Phone: 4085403700
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