SportDip. Me
Consumer Report


Its simple. Unauthorized use of my cc for 10.70.. I called 727-475-5942 spoke to a woman with Indian accent. She was very calm. Ask me for the last digits of cc. Verified my name... in a calm voice. She said, your card will be refunded in 3 business day. I asked her the reason, no comment. Quiet on phone. I asked her what would be the guarantee that it will not happen again? She hung up!!!

Scary that this person still has a business and no one has come to arrest her..

Company: SportDip. Me
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
ZIP: 23450
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 2063306832
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SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report