Consumer Report


I ordered free sample and to give credit card details so as postage of $1.99 could be paid. Recvd articles by 2 and was advised that I am being billed 69.95 x 2. I never gave authority for this amount and also one of the products I cannot use as the plunger has broken down in the bottle. I have emailed the company back but have yet to receive a reply. Also this compnay has advised that they will send more products in 2mths and will bill same amount again.
I certainly did not ask for any of this only the free trial.

Company: Hydroxatone
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Jersey City
ZIP: 07303
Address: P.O. Box 9300
Phone: 8006722259, 8886214043
Site: hydroxatone.com
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Free trial was not free-cost me $102 and they billed for a 2nd item never received