Consumer Report


I was contacted by my bank to inform me that someone at google cc had tried to charge 48.50 on my debit/credit card twice in the same day. Thank my bank for being on their toes and catching the false charges. I very rarely use my card online for purchases and this will only make me more wary of any online transactions. I was a lucky one and no charges were paid but I did have to shut down my account and now have to wait for my new card to arrive which is a small price to pay but a huge inconvenience.

Company: BudgetSaversOnline.com
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Hopkins
ZIP: 55343
Address: P.O. Box 5265
Phone: 9522582000, 8006996975, 8004751942, 8009161813
Site: budgetsaversonline.com
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Consumer Report

Brenda & Associates
Fraudulent bank charge for $4.93


Fifth Third Bank
Handling Of Fradulent Charges On Debit Card 5/2, fraud, debit card

Microsoft Online
Charging $21.95 to my bank account monthly for a service I don't receive, on a debit card I've never used online Internet

Applied Card Bank
Huge ripoffs! Charges fees for everything including checking your balance through their 800#! Causes your acct to overdraw with their fees alone and then charges you for it!

They took my grocery money

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

CWI* CallWave
Unauthorized charges

False charges!