Lisa Procte
Consumer Report


I had applied for a government grant, 8 months later I received an letter saying that if I was to take this check and deposit it and pay her 500 on an greendots card I would then in return receive an additional check for the remainder of 9025.00

Company: Lisa Procte
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Secaucus
ZIP: 07094
Address: 204 Sandcastle Ky
Phone: 2014271903
  <     >  


Westside Redevelopment Corporation Inc - Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Independent Pawn Broker by the name Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Kathleen Hennessey i received a grant for 988.16 and they want me to send them back 403 and then they said they would send me the additional part of the grant for 9,012 it is a scam

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Greendots World Grant Service
Trisha Webster-Independent grant broker with Greendots World Grant Service. Received check to cash and send 5% of total grant via greendot money pak, if fail to do so will be turned into collections

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report

Lisa Procte
Consumer Report