Sydney Doogue
Consumer Report


No damages thus far. Because of web sites like this one I was able to nip it in the budd (sorta speak). Thank you,
This Sydney Doogue, or Shirley Doogue, as he calls it self sometimes responded to a Craigs list ad when I was selling a motorcycle.
It appears that he hooks us in to purchase an item (car, truck, or motorcycle) and then comes up with a plan that because he is a "oceanographer" under contract and he must leave now for work, that he will pay full price (via PayPal only) for the "item" (sight unseen) and that a friend (movers from Ohio) will come a pick up said item. His first email is always as below. The trick other than waisting time is to hook you in after he sends you a phoney pay pal payment and then asks for money because the funds transfer cost him so much more. Luckily because of reports like this one I was able to nip it quickly.


Copy of his first email as below.

Is the item still up for sale? Get back to me soon with
1. Who is the first owner?
2. Does it have any scratches or problem?
3. How much are you willing to sell it?
4. Can you send me more pics?

Company: Sydney Doogue
Country: USA
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Sydney Doogue
Consumer Report

Sydney Doogue
Consumer Report

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Lyndsey Doogue
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