Consumer Report


I was stuped to order, only for the shiping kosts. Its not the money I´m pist; it´s the fact that I can not get in touch with them to finish, so they will not send more goods to the regular cost. That they have my CVS code makes me scared!
On the product they have web page and phonenumber, NON is real!

Company: Extrememetaburn.com/den
Country: USA
Phone: 4569918474
Site: extrememetaburn.com
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Consumer Report

USA Passports Deceptive Information! This site is not the real US Passport Site DO NOT USE THIS SITE TO RENEW YOUR PASSPORT

Specie Agro Mineral Resources Nig Ltd
Consumer Report

Groupon Goods
Groupon Goods: shipping issues

Extrememetaburn.com and AfricanMango
Consumer Report

Sift and Toss
Consumer Report

Excessive International Handling Fees Internet

Singer Lazer
Is a ripoff, they take your money from your accounts and never send the product, you can't call or get in touch with them, what gives!

Mail Processing Services
Ripoff, dishonest Card Charged but no goods delivered