Singer Lazer
Is a ripoff, they take your money from your accounts and never send the product, you can't call or get in touch with them, what gives!


Don't order from this company! They will take your money from yur account. They will never send oyur product. You have no way to get in touch with them.

Where is the law? What is being done?

Company: Singer Lazer
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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Lazer Storm Singer
Singer Lazer Storm Ripoff theives nationwide

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff Los Angelas nationwide

As Seen On TV Network Aka Singer Lazer Vac
No product received can't reach company no good data untrustworthy

Singer Lazer Storm

Singer Lazer
Ripoff I ordered 2 singer lazer and a steamer, they sent 4 and billed me for vaccuums, no steamer, no return call from them

Singer Lazer Storm
Sarah Robert I placed an order by phone on 9/17/05 and i still have not received anything but they took $502.83 from my account and i still have not seen no product they said it would take 4 to 6 weeks. Ripoff

Singer Lazer Storm

Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum - Wind Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum - Wind Storm Vac - asseenontvnetwork - vcc - tactica RIPOFF product advertised as singer and later as windstorm vac, doubled my order, took money, canceled order, but no product, no money returned, Los Angeles

Singer Lazer Vacuum Los Angeles
Singer Lazer Vacuum ripoff

Lazer Storm - Singer Lazer Storm
Singer Lazer Storm ripoff