West at home
Poor wages cheap company


This at home company never gives increases. You will work for min wage for years and years if you stay that long. There are no offers of promotion or another position. Some scripting is ridiculously long page after page with upsells and apo's one right after the other. Too bad b/c the assistants you call for help or in chat are very nice and wonderful. But as far as expecting a raise or commission forget it. They say they pay. 15 per minute which they do but you really only get min wage in the end b/c the calls are spaced so you end up getting min wage.

Now the good things are the helpers are nice but you wont be recognized for any special effort you make for a sale. I have been asking to be offered any other position as i am burnt out of course doing the direct respone for over 3 years. I get customer complements often but doesnt matter. I am looking elsewhere now. It's been long enough just trying to make ends barely meet for all my work efforts. I am not recognized.By the way West is good for a part time but not full time you wont be able to get more than 30 hours. And it is hard to find half hours of work you have to sit and watch for the times to come open. Too bad they could be better. And systems problems really poor.

Company: West at home
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
Site: westathome.com
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New Light Marketing
New light inc this company will rip you off for your time, money, and dignety! Do not work/apply for them!

West Work At Home Agent
Misrepresentation of earnings expectations ripoff

Alpine Access
Sweat shop, You don't want to work there, Short change employees

West Business Services Ripoff OLD MANAGERS

Wigs N Plus
This company discriminate against men

I too was jipped out of a raise

Doug Plattner - Plattner Automotive Group
Cant get paid! Promises broken, paying employees less than minumum wage, discrimination

Eight Hours/Week Work

"John" Butterfield Tile And Marble Co
Did not pay my wages, still wont. Been 2 years. How does he get away with this for soo long? Sandy

West Corporation Aka West Telemarketing
West Corporation did not pay me what I deserved