Mvq shop essentials
Consumer Report


Somehow got our credit card number. No membership number when we called to find out what it was. No telephone number for us. Nothing but our credit card number. Wife thought it was mine. I thought it was hers. Finally questioned it. Please file with BBB, State attorney general and post on all web sites.

Company: Mvq shop essentials
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
ZIP: 68114-3331
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100
Phone: 8774425774
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Andrea Nixon
Andrea "Drew" Nixon ripoff lying, scamming strippe

MWI Essentials
Ripoff unauthorized credit card charges victimized many consumers Nationwide

American Credit Solutions
I stopped them dead in their tracks

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges From Shopping Essentials Through

AP9 Shopping Essentials Shopping Essentials Plus
Charged my credit card without my permission. I never knowingly signed up for membership

Shopping Essentials
Has highjacked my credit card number somewhere. Beware!

Essentials Gold
Fraudulent billing

Essentials Gold
Unauthorized charge on Citibank account

Shopping Essentials Plus
Charged me $39.90/month for a service I never signed up for!

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized billing