Whew Knew Books Online
Consumer Report


This company/product is a complete SCAM! If you call the 800 # you will get an automated service asking for your credit card number and then the automated call will attempt to sell you tons of other CRAP you do not want or were not even interested in/looking for. The 800 # never allows you to speak to a human (should have been my first clue) and then holds you hostage on the line forever trying to sell you additional stuff. This is the worst experience I've ever had trying to purchase what I foolishly thought was a legitimate product. I'm beyond angry at this company and want this message to serve as a warning. Please do not fall victim to this company and/or try to purchase anything from them! You will be charged for something you can't get your money back on and it will be a complete waste of your time and money!!

Company: Whew Knew Books Online
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Fairfield
ZIP: 07004
Address: 79 Two Bridges Road
Phone: 9732278777
Site: whoknewbooks.com
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Right Size Smoothies
Won't Refund even if package is unopened SCAM SCAM SCAM

As seen on TV, Who-Knew Books Much More Than You Bargain For, Hmmm WHO KNEW?

Eco Canteen
This is a complete ripoff and scam!

Personal anti virus
I went online and purchase a product online call personal anti virus. When i did my little research i realize i have been scam

Do not order this product

Buy Easy Feet
Buyeasyfeet.com This is a complete SCAM!

Customer Service Fee hidden costs! Automated phone call tells you to contact customer service! Deceptive company

ABC Gift Cards
Should have read these reports first!

Lean Life PM
Ripoff artist, fraud, fake company, unauthorized

Jason carroll at automated wealth package Its a money making scam they say you can get rich with a 60 day money back guarentee so i bought it and when i contacted them at least 4 times asking for my money back they ignored me and still are. Salt Lake city