Lean Life PM
Ripoff artist, fraud, fake company, unauthorized

Internet & Web

Well I do not feel like a complete moron now. I found this pathetic individuals website while doing some shopping online, thought it sounded like a legitimate product. I was not informed of the 14 day cancelation or just didn't see it, either way I never recieved any product in the mail and got charged the $99.90 that everybody else did.

That $99.90 was all I wanted back untill I figured out that I had to change my debit card so I would not be charged additional money. This pethetic excuse for a human being has now cost me time and sir charge money above and beyond the original $100 because I am afraid he will continue to charge my account or try to charge it with something else.

Until now I have never been a victim of fraud or identity theft. Now it is my turn and I will get my money back.

Company: Lean Life PM
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Draper City
Phone: 9099303087
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Lipsy Limited
Identity theft victim

Lipsy Ltd Identity Theft Victim Gets Ripped Off Twice: Once by Credit Card/Identity Thief, Then By Lipsy Ltd London

Lean Life Pm
Took money and i never received the product ripoff


Homeland Card, EDP Reporting
Unauthorized debit charge from my checking account (Fraudulent)

Lean Life PM
Ripoff my credit card for months

Lean Life PM
Ripoff would not refund money after reject of product

Factory Direct Homes

Lean Life PM
Ripoff and charge for undelivered products

Google Success Kit
Unauthorized Charge