Consumer Report

Miscellaneous My GRIPE is their GLITCH


I bid on a hotel room in London, England for 4 nights in June to meet my daughter on her way back from completing 11th grade in India. A dream mother/daughter getaway.

Know this about me: I don't travel anywhere without purchasing the add-on insurance

After entering my cc# 3 times and getting booted out I decided to use an alternate cc. It accepted the offer and a page to initial the deal came up, I chose the add-on insurance protection again, initialed it and I thought I was set.

After returning home I checked my email and had the confirmation from waiting. Upon reading it, the add-on insurance was not transferred. Mildly concerned I called their CS 800 number immediately. A woman with a thick accent said there was a time window to add the insurance for hotel rooms and said she was unable to do it and directed me to the "contact " button on their website. She assured me they would handle it and had my booking on her screen. I did not get her name. I emailed immediately and an auto-response came to my inbox instantly saying thank you for sending the email and that they would make every attempt to answer all emails within 12 hours. Hmmm. Still not actively worried, I waited. This began the trail of 6 days of every 12 hr back and forth emails from agents in another country. They used first names only and were: Malik, Kusum, Mohammed, Kuttubudin, Vipul, Mayank, Harun and Vishul. I addressed this in the second email to them requesting to deal with one person only. The responses were a myriad of very different answers regarding my situation. One person said there is no way to add the insurance after purchase. The next said that yes, indeed, one may do it but only within a "certain amount of time.". The next said that one can only add the insurance to airline bookings and not hotels! You get the picture. I'm out of time to play games after getting absolutely nowhere. The last email said to call the 800 number and that they "had arranged for me to speak with one of the customer service specialists". Gee I thought I already did that? I called, was transferred 3 times from Amy to Diane to Sharon. Adamant refusal to add the insurance, no notes in the computer, no understanding of the sheer frustration of the customer's situation. They were clearly reading a script. All began with stating they were sorry... But none could provide any solution.

I called my cc company yesterday and disputed the charges. Since it's Amex I'm mildly hopeful. A helpful gentleman named Chris took very careful notes.

Never would I travel without insurance in today's world, much less to Europe, in the summer, to a city that is hosting the Summer Olympics!

There are many, many complaints I discovered all over the Internet yesterday against this company for hundreds of different situations. Luckily I found one with my same complaint, their software is flawed, I have a screenshot of it.
Help please.

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Company: Priceline
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
ZIP: 06854
Address: 800 Connecticut Avenue
Phone: 2032998000
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Insurance doesn't cover cancellation, a company without a heart!

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