Media Crowle
Consumer Report


I was actually on the Kick ass torrents site, so not really sure how I ended up with Media Crawler or (D. L provider as it says on the confirmation email I received), however, like everyone else who has complained I clicked on "register for $1.99", actually thinking I was registering to Kick ass torrents, entered my card details only to then be told to my complete surprise that I had been charged £30.76!! (In dollars I think thats around $48). At no time was I informed of the real actual cost before entering my card details, nor given the opportunity to agree to these charges or to change my mind and cancel (which I would have done immediately).
£30.76 may not seem like alot, but as a single mother with two small children on a very limited budget it's actually a big deal to us.
Needless to say I'm really angry and upset at Media crawler, DL provider or whoever they are!!!

Company: Media Crowle
Country: USA
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Media Crowle
Consumer Report

Media Crowle
Consumer Report

Media Crowle
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Avangate Media Crawle
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Media Crowle
Consumer Report

Avangate Media Crawle
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Media Crowle
Consumer Report

Avangate Media Crawle
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