Consumer Report


I was surfing the net and a pop up for qui-bids came up! Ilooked at it and noticed that bids where taken in english pounds! So I clicked upon the link and a page opened requesting log in details, and in order to log in you had to open an account!
At no point did it mention a subscription fee!
I entered my details and it requested my bank account details, which i thought was strange but assume that if i was to make any bids that this was normal practice,
On opening the account I noticed that I'd been charged for the privileged, £36.00 and £7.20 tax totaling £43.20 pounds stirling which in USD's amounts to $68.51.
A number of free bids in the top right corner of the account page 63 free bids..
I then wrote to customer support and requested a full refund and closure of the account! They sent me an email stating that my email credentials was wrong, I then wrote back using my credentials and received an email back stating that both closure of the account and a full refund would follow after 7 working day's.
This did not happen so i wrote again detailing that they had falsely advertised and it was an act of fraud and that by debiting my account constituted theft by deception and that if I didn't receive a full refund i would take legal proceedings against them,
I received another email stating a refund of £36.00 would be made to my account, I then wrote back detailing that i'd been debited for £43.20 and that is what i want refunding to my account and as yet I have heard nothing.
I received an advertising email from qui-bids today so I attempted to log in using my account details and surprise surprise the account was live but more than that the account bids credited to the account where missing the account registered 0.00bids.
I have not used the account nor have I made any bids! I have not received a refund and would ask you for your help, failing that I will seek legal restitution from qui-bids if they even exist that is!
Kind regard MR Mark Thompson

Company: QuiBids
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
ZIP: 73104-1402
Address: 4 NE 10th St, Suite 242
Phone: 4052532038
Site: quibids.com
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