Consumer Report


When I checked my banking account I found a charge for $65.99 that I had no idea what it was so I called the above phone number only to be told that I had not reached the party I wanted to speak with. She was very nice and gave me the correct number: 1-866-955-9132. When I called this number a female named Alex spoke with me. I told her I did not know what this was all about and I wanted to have my charges reversed and to stop charging my account and to also take my name off of their list. She told me she refunded my $65.99. We'll see. Try to call the 866 number. Good Luck. (Personal Information Removed)

Company: EBizPckg
Country: USA
Phone: 8669559132
Site: internetpayday.co
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Consumer Report

Dish Network
Dish Network encouranges fraud so they can get your money, Dont give them your SS#

Consumer Report

Scam 3rd party company

Payment Assistance
Consumer Report

Freedom Gold, Teliflex
Repeat charges eventhough subscriptions are cancelled

AP9 Shopping Essentials Shopping Essentials Plus
Charged my credit card without my permission. I never knowingly signed up for membership

Consumer Report

EBiz Pckg
Consumer Report

Magic Jack
Disclosed Confidential Information, Won't Take Debit Card Number Off Another Individuals Account