Safe Home Security
Consumer Report


This alarm company scammed me, the alarm system hasnt worked in years, i have complained verbally, wrote letters, yet they want me to pay! I am harrassed by phone calls on my cellphone and my husbands cellphone and home number they told me they would stop on several occassions when i told them the system doesnt work but that didnt work! Then had a tech come out yesterday only to tell me that my system cannot be backwired which means that the monitoring company didnt even know my transformer was down and there is no way to hook up the sytem to send out a signal! But they want there money! Total harrassment for a system thts a fraud!

Company: Safe Home Security
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Cromwell
ZIP: 06416
Address: 55 Sebethe Drive
Phone: 8602624000, 8008333211
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Safe Touch Security
Ripoff Deactivated Alarm features after cancelling monitoring

Safe Home Security Inc
Safe Home Security, Inc. Safe Home Monitoring, Inc Installed faulty equipment. Endangered my family. Failed to call me back when I protested

This is a phishing site to steal your credit card!

Wilkes Technologies
Sterling Wilkes This company is holding my home alarm system hostage after dropping them due to LOUSY service

ADT Security Services
Lick and stick system

Monitronics International
Ripoff mistake causes home security system to go unmonitored for over two years. Then charges $95 to "fix" the system

Brinks Home Security System
Service not delivered Texas

Security Associates Interantional, SAI
Security Associates International, SAI, SAI charges like clock-work, but system has not worked in 3 months, despite repeated calls asking for a technician to come out

Alarm Services - Alarm non-System

Monitronics International
Holds alarm systems hostage everywhere