Clear Point Direct - CP Direct
CP Direct AKA Clear Point Direct false claims, a ripoff lia


I saw an ad for some merchandise that looked rather attractive, so I thought I'd enter the company's website to see what other offers were available before I ordered. Fortunately, when I typed in "Clear Point Direct" as the keywords, this website was the first one on the list. I'm sure this has saved me quite a bit of frustration, and I would like to return the favor.

In his company rebuttal, Mr. Dube refutes all consumer complaints and claims to be a proud member of the Better Business Bureau. Not so, Mr. Dube! I logged on to their website immediately after reading his statement, and this is what I found:

According to the Better Business Bureau, Mr. Dube's company is not a "proud member", or any other type of member for that matter. There have been numerous reports made to the BBB regarding customer service, shipping problems, etc.

Also, according to their website, all merchandise orders must be shipped within 30 days after receipt by the company unless otherwise stated on the order form. If, for whatever reason, a company cannot ship within 30 days or the published time frame, written notice must be sent to the consumer explaining the delay & offering a full refund. From what I've read here, I doubt that Clear Point Direct has fulfilled even this basic obligation.

If anyone here would like more info, or would like to verify my comments, please feel free to log on to the BBB website (keywords - Better Business Bureau). I think you'll find their site very informative. I may contact them myself to let them know of Mr. Dube's claim to be a member.

Company: Clear Point Direct - CP Direct
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
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