Consumer Report


One of new ebay seller scammed me of $500. I have filed a case in paypal now waiting for my money back is there any body help me for that

Company: EBay
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
ZIP: 95125-5905
Address: 2105 Hamilton Ave
Phone: 4083767400
Site: ebay.com
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And PayPal secure? If you think so, you better read this! Ebay.com

Failure to provide consumer refund for fraudulent Ebay transaction

Steven A. Levi, Aka Duty Free Digital EBay Store, Aka EBay ID Dutypaid

Ebay - paypal No buyer protection on ebay. It is all fake claim

Squre Trade, EBay
Only Sqare Trade can help me! Ripoff

Lambofauctions Kayleigh Macmaster Ebay Paypal
Ebay fraud, ebay scammer, ebay ripoff, paypal scammer, professional con artist

Seller Phillyus02 - EBAY
Seller phillyus02 on ebay seller took money and never sent the dvd, no response to emails ripoff

Is nothing but a giant internet ripoff business, half the sellers on ebay are complete frauds and ebay would do nothing about it Nationwide, USA

Paypal - ebay
Paypal ebay seller allowed by paypal to steal money Connecticut

Caesar Oskan
EBay item 250258316278 paid for and not received Internet