Power Ball Lotto Company
Consumer Report


I got an email from this person who i thought was my friend but it wasnt they just pretended to be him any way they said i won 50,000 dollers and i just needed to contacted this person so did and the guy i talked to got me to send 1000 to him i only came up with 350 then he said that was fine cause i asked my so called friend to borrow and he said he would so waited for the check it never came i guess i was eligible for 30,000 more i had to send 2550 away to them i came up with 1000 he said that was fine then i sent it they said it would be here with in a couple hours i waited it never came he texted me again stating the police had takin it back to the sender so i had to send 2550 more just to get it so right away i new it was a scam and felt like a fool and to top it all off i borrowed that money from loan places

Company: Power Ball Lotto Company
Country: USA
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Lancaster Financial Solutions, NY
Consumer Report

Caswell Resources
Caswell resources - ashley porter do not trust them they are scam artists, as several have found out!

Advane Finance UK
Consumer Report

British Lotto Commission
Had me to send a check for 3,000 by MoneyGram to a Billie Crook in New York to pay for the taxes and clearance fee

Millbrook Financial Cente
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Power Ball Company Award Department Power Ball International
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Fidelity Lending Group
Fake company promised me a loan and now Im BROKE!

Mike Moore
I send you 2550.00 dollars you wire 1800.00 to my agent in nigeria ripoff

Right Value Financial, Rightvaluefinancial.com RIP OFF/CON ARTISTS/CROOKS - ALL OF THE ABOVE! Manhattan New York

Readers Digest Lotto
Bogus Lotto