Mike Moore
I send you 2550.00 dollars you wire 1800.00 to my agent in nigeria ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I was selling my American Pit Bull Terrier puppies online. This person contacted me and said he wanted to buy the puppy for his sons birthday. I had never sold my pups online before so I agreed to his terms which were:

He would send me $2550.00 dollars in money orders and I was to cash them at my bank and keep the puppy cost which was $250.00 and an extra $100.00 for me to send the remaining money to his shipping agent in NIGERIA. I had no idea that this was a scam.

I received the money gram money orders and noticed that hey were dated 2 weeks in advance. So I called money gram to confirm they were real (THANK GOD I AM SMART) Well come to find out they were FAKE! I immediatly emailed mike moore the man I was selling the puppy to and told him that I knew they were fake. He threatened me and my family and I havent heard from him since.

I went to my local police department and gave them all the emails and the money orders. I just want to warn people that this person is trying to scam them.

If I had cashed them at my bank I would have been $2550.00 negative and my family lives pay check top pay check We would have been screwed. I hope this helps the next person he tries it on!!

Company: Mike Moore
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pompano Beach
Address: 3661 Sw 10th Street
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