Vitaman Labs Extramax
Consumer Report


There are two charges that I did not agree to. I received a phone call saying that I get a free sample of a new product. That its free to try for 30 days. If I don’t like the product just call before the 30 days are up and i will only be charged for postage.
So I said are you sure they said yes so I gave them my card #. After doing that they said if I don’t call I will be billed every month. They then said do you agree and i said no. I will not agree and I don’t want the product at all. Dont send it to me. I then hung up. They called back at least 4 times but I did not answer.
A few day later the product showed up along with a addition item they never even mentioned. I checked my account and did not see any charges so I wasn’t to worried. Over the weekend I saw the charges were now showing on my acct. I tried calling the Company but they were closed. I got a hold of them today and they are real scumbags, There now saying it was a 14 day trial, but the sales person says 30 days. I know because I wrote it down at the time they called. And its now today 15 days so I’m locked in and will be billed every month. I told them I still have there two items still in the box and will mail it back. They said sure if you want but it will be a gift from me to them. I will still be billed.
This is unbelievable. They were never suppose to send me anything because I canceled at the time of the transaction. They record the the transaction that’s why they tried calling me back to get me to say ok. They can edit the conversation to say what ever they want. I will pay the postage. They also added a second package that they never mentioned to me at all. I was offended by its content. Will you please help me to recover 110.57 that’s what they charged me.
Thank you

Company: Vitaman Labs Extramax
Country: USA
State: California
City: Canoga Park
ZIP: 91309
Address: P.O. BOX 10642
Phone: 8009790142, 8772833402
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