Consumer Report


Its website declares clearly 180 DAY RISK FREE GUARANTEE online; if customers are not satisfied with the results of the product, they will give the money back. That was why I ordered its product to try. When I was not happy with the product, I requested my money back. But I was told only if a 4 month supply must be ordered, otherwise I am not eligible. That is absolutely ridiculous, there must be no one purchasing a 4 month supply at the beginnig to try a product. Therefore, I have been scammed.

Company: Proactol
Country: USA
Phone: 8668426344
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Do Not Back Up Their 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Ripoff

New Vitality
Ageless Malke Signed me up for auto order without my permission to do so, Sent second order without my consent Product is a scammmmmmm
Consumer Report

Refusal to accept unused "month two" of product and allow refund - claiming 30 day period had expired though the return product is complete and unused and the claimed weight loss results were non-exis

Dr. Rey Worldwide Nutritionals, LLC
Consumer Report

Firm N Lift, Natures Solution, Tucows Inc
Preys on insecure women, steals their money, makes false promises

Avlimil Berkeley Premium Nutracuticals Inc
30 day free trial - ripoff

Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report

Steel Bridge Medical, Lipoplex With Hoodia,
Ordered 14 day supply, did not receive pills until the 14th day. Account charged a month's supply on the 14th day

Pure Saffron Slim
Consumer Report