Firm N Lift, Natures Solution, Tucows Inc
Preys on insecure women, steals their money, makes false promises

Health & Medicine

After having a baby, I had a typical problem. My breasts weren't the same as they were pre-baby. They had no volume and sagged. I was very depressed for months about this. Then one day I stumbled on and they seemed to give me hope.

They make all sorts of claims, promising women their breasts will go back to their youthful condition. They prey on our insecurities, and once they have you hooked with all their lies, they convince you to pull out your credit card. I spent nearly $200 on 3 bottles of pills that were supposed to lift my breasts back up to where they used to be and fill them out.

I purchased the 3 month supply because their website clearly states that most women begin to see results after at least 3 months. Well, 3 months pass by, and I saw absolutely NO RESULTS! I emailed them and said it wasn't working. Well, suddenly they said it needed to be taken for more than 3 months and another month of product would help. They sent me another bottle, I took it, and still NO RESULTS. Their guarantee plainly states if their product doesn't work then it's FREE. I emailed them repeatedly, asking for my money back per their guarantee.

Then they started twisting their guarantee. They said it needed to be taken for at least 6 months before you can see results, and their guarantee simply meant any additional product was free. There was absolutely NO MENTION of additional free product in the guarantee. Please, I warn all you women out there, save your money. THESE PEOPLE ARE A SCAM! They cannot help you in any way what so ever. I still haven't received a refund.

Company: Firm N Lift, Natures Solution, Tucows Inc
Country: USA
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Ncon llc misleading scam artists

Tobustan Breast Enhancement
Ripoff do not try them they promise that you have nothing to lose and you can get a refund, but they LIE!

Proenhance - Male Enhancement
Penis enlargement patches

Fundamental Solutions, Inc
"You did not follow directions for proper use" scam. Company selling Femax does not refund even if no results

Mojo Publishing Company
Supplied sub-standard product and failed to honour guarantee or answer any emails

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Refusal to accept unused "month two" of product and allow refund - claiming 30 day period had expired though the return product is complete and unused and the claimed weight loss results were non-exis

Changes For Women
MDG Company states will send 1 month supply free and then send you a 3 month supply! Vista California

Voodoomagicspells - Rip Off No results and was told 3 days, nothing happened and refuses to refund as promised