Turbo Tax
Consumer Report


I went through Turbo Tax to file my income tax. I used them last year from Timberland Bank in Winlock, Wa. And it was free. There was no reason for me to think the policy had changed. I'm sure this is legal like most of our laws are for the corporations, but it is not ethical. I did not find out until the end of the form there was a charge of 29.95 from the bank and 25.45 from the bank, totaling 54.50. I could have gone to H&R Block for free, the Senior center for free or I could have done my own short form for. 45 cent postage stamp. If I would have know in advance of the charges. I don't believe this is right for seniors or anyone else.

Company: Turbo Tax
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
ZIP: 92129
Address: 7535 Torrey Santa Fe Rd
Phone: 8582158000
Site: turbotax.com
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Turbo Tax
Never again!

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Turbo Tax
Consumer Report

A "Guarantee" rip off

"FREE" California State Income Tax E-file = $26.95