Consumer Report


I got a notice from my bank that this company tried to withdraw 99.49 from my SAVINGS acct. I called the company and it is located in California, there are never any representatives available, I either get an operator or a voicemail. When I asked the operator to speak to a supervisor I was told there are none available. They took my name and phone number promising a call back within 24 hrs. I have heard nothing from anyone. I was charged a fee for insufficient funds by my bank of 29.78 and had to place a freeze on my acct. I left several voice mails and emails to no avail...

Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Bank Of America
Ripoff, charging insuficient funds fees on your own money

Ripoff they made a withdraw from my bank acct without me having any where about they took one dollar and I had no money in my acct so they overdrawing my acct now I being charged a $31.91 for that i what them to pay it for me I mean it

Edp Reporting
Charged our bank acct $159.95 and the charged us also $35.00 for insufficient funds and we did not order anything with these people INTERNET

Met on go fish dating months ago
Consumer Report

Washingtom Mutual
Repeated Charges for use of savings acct

Washington Gas
Bad Customer Service

Green Tree
Ripoff Harrasment Don't have account!

Wells Fargo
Consumer Report
GooglePro / internet Income / Internet Initiative I purchased a 3.88 kit, it ending up with two charges on my bank account one for $72.21

Citizens Bank
Citizens Illegal Banking Practices, Deceitful Service Charges