Grout Bully
Consumer Report


Ordered the grout bully at $10 plus shipping and handling (plus one free plus shipping and handling). Entered credit card number and it said to confirm. When I hit yes to confirm, it billed me another $29.99 for tools that I did not want/order. There's no number to call to cancel or speak to someone. Called my credit card company and they are going to try to resolve this issue and cancel my order.

Company: Grout Bully
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Bridgeport
ZIP: 06673
Address: P.O. BOX 13184
Phone: 8772882972
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Grout Bully
Consumer Report

HTG Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report

Grout Bully
Consumer Report