Liberty investments
John t YOU WIN 2million dollars and a 2012 marcedies bens


A man with a strong accent calls me and tells me i have won 2mill and a benz i said and how is that he said a random drawing from shopping i said ok shopping where he said wal mart or k mart he said where are you we are trying to deliver it today we are thirty mins. Away he explains how companys are giving away money then he asked quick random questions where are you, can you be home in a half an hour, where are you now, i said im busy he tells me how he wants to deliver to me i ask his name he sad john i said where are you he said los vagas he is on my phone about 20 mins.

So i told him i would be home in 10 mins but didnt go he calls me back and i hear a tv in the back ground and peaple laughing speaking a foren langauge he finnaly realizes im on the phone so he is chatting it up with me where are you now are you at work when do you work are you home so long story short he tells me i have to go to wal mart and get a green dit money pak card with 500.00 on it i ask why do i pay money if you are giving money to me im not an idiot i said why a green dot untracable card

So i play along and tell him i will have it so how am i getting this money and car he said his delivery men will take a cargo plane from vagas and be at my home tomarrow by 5pm (mind you he said he was thirty mins. Away) i say oh ok we hung up after he tells me he will call me at about 5pm today. This morning im at work he calls at 9am what are you doing, are you at work why is your music so loud sounds like you work in a foundry why is the music so loud now mind you he is making me angry with the personal questions i ask what do you want he ask about the money card and i said ok get off my phone when i get off he call six times from different area codes LOOK DONT LET THEM GET YOUR MONEY im not

Company: Liberty investments
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Los vagas
Phone: 170251626051503250
  <     >  


Liberty Financial/Liberty Lottery Corp. - Dan Algor
Liberty Financial / Dan AlgorLiberty Financial / Liberty Lottery Corp. - Dan Algor I recieved a letter from Liberty Financial with a check of $4,850.00 stating I had won $150,000.00

Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Flip this store

The Worlds Greatest Networker
John Williams - Gordon Moss Tried to cancel order with pay pal then got call from John Williams he 3 wayed Gordon in then Gorden was telling me not to be STUPID ripoff BOCA RATON FLorida

Triforce Motors
Feel i got ripped off

Wal Mart Money Card
People should learn to be honest because everyone i struggling right now. People can't afford for moner to be taken from them

Green Dot Wal-Mart Money Card
Green Dot Corporation, GE Capital Retail Bank, Green Dot, MoneyPak, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Don't get a Wal-Mart Money Card and Always check your reciept that second you finish your transaction

Consumer Report

Dish Network
Ripoff They could care less Littleton Colorado