Rockwell Holdings
We Want Our Paychecks And Personal Belongings, other customers ripped off too


I am an ex-employee of the firm Rockwell Holdings, Inc.involved in the credit card "scam" as they call it. As an ex-employee I would like to say that we as employees did everything we could to ensure customer requests were fulfilled.

On the other note, I would like to let everyone know that the employees did not receive their last two paychecks and cannot even get their personal belongings out of the office.

Therefore a lot of us have lost our apartments, phones, kids, cars, and everything we have worked for and we get no help in obtaining what is rightfully owed to us.

When the company was closed down on Nov. 20 we were led to believe that we would be back to work in 10 business days and were never notified by any company officials of the status of our employment. So to all customers that feel they were "ripped-off", I just want you to know that you were not the only ones.

Company: Rockwell Holdings
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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