Michael edward williams jr
He uses women and hurts children for his own selfish gain, hes a dead beat con


This is a report about michael edward williams jr,

I met him june 18th 99 at the time i was living in low income housing and pregnat with a child whos father went to prison, mike (as i called him) pretended to be a smart law abiding good guy that every women wants to fall in love with i was 23 at the time, he was 32, i was working for a escort compamy when i met him, he was a clinet "a first time clinet" so he said

At that time i had only did about 10 calls he was going to be my last, u see i needed enough money to pay my bills up ahead before i got to big to work anywhere

I had high risk pregancys and needed bed rest after a certain monthes like 5.
I had to leave home when i was 15 and all i ever wanted was a family, so when i met him i thought i had found what i was looking for. After i had my son. I found out i was prenant like 1 1/2 monthes after wards. After the twins where born 26 weeks gestaion. They had alot of probolems. Mike started hitting me blaming it on the fact he was in the special forces which is a lye anyway, i found that out later.

Anyway he told me since i did escort work before i had to do it again or he was gonna kick us out of his house, so i did i was so scared of losing my kids. Later he said he wasnt serious but he sure acted seriosafter i worked for like 5/6 companys at the same time mike started our own he said we would have started buying ahouse andbe married and get any couseling we needed.

He lyed over the year he spent my money on stupid stuff and saved his i was so weak from having 3 babies in 2 years and he knew ithe bought a new lab top adesk top (for me) a jeep a boat a three wheeler tons of fishins hunting tools softwear then on nov 28th when i was at therpy with the twins he packed everything of value and left with no address to reach him at he lft with over 20thousand dollars of property and 5,000 cash i knew of plus accounts he wouldnt let me see because they where for "the new house"i did strip shows for the co. Too i worked my butt off and he took everything and didnt even say by to the kids, he also has a daughter in the town i live in thathe has a bench warrent out for plus 2 other daughters that live in mn. That he hasnt seen in like over 3years and never payed childsupport for.

He thinks he is real slick and its so sadd because my children real loved him and he doesnt even care!

Company: Michael edward williams jr
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: unknown butr i know his e-mail address
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