Lights Together
Good News Holdings Company does not pay employees I am owed several paychecks Will not respond


I am a former employee that sold my company and moved my family to Orlando FL to work for Good News Holdings/Lights Together. I started in Feb. 07 as the IT manager.

The first few months were ok until around may when the company lost their funding. We had several instances where our paychecks were late. This happened until July where we were not told until payday that we were not getting paid due to the fact there was no $ in the company.

I let this slide for a few weeks and was told that funding was imminent. They were just waiting on the wire transfer from the investor. The CEO of Lights Together looked me in the eye and promised me that I didn't have to look for another job. I trusted him fully. I waited over a month for my pay until 1 day, we got one of the pay checks. 2 days later, I found out that a previous payroll had bounced and the funds were taken back out of my account. Lights Together and Good news holdings knew this was happening, but they didn't mention one word. Had I known, I could have changed my account numbers and prevented that money from being taking back out.

During my time at Lights Together, I lent them my personal equipment to aid them in the building of their business. After I left, I still let them use it for almost a month. There came a point where I needed to get this equipment back. Around this same time, I got notification that Lights Together tried to take registered ownership of this hardware. When I caught wind of this, I called them. They refused to give it back. I decided to file a police report. It worked... I got the hardware back the next day.

Needless to say, Lights Together owes me over a months worth of pay and will not respond. I have good reason to believe that they have obtained some funding... But they will not do what is right.

Also, I have found out that there are around 7 exec's, each drawing 250k/yr. They burned through their initial funding, and stuck it to their employees. And now that I am reporting them and am very persistent about getting paid, they will not respond to me.

I have contacted the US Dept of labor and my lawyer. Things are moving forward with all of that.

To me, its a miniature version of Enron. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Lights Together and Good News Holdings are the direct opposite of whats right and ethical when it comes to running a business.

Lights Together is a Christian-based alternative to They want you to put your trust in them. I did and I got burned.

Company: Lights Together
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 5422 Carrier Drive, Suite 204
Phone: 4074129866
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