Local US Yellow Pages
Consumer Report


We also are getting phone calls from Local US Yellow Pages saying we didn't cancel after a "free offer" and owe for the year 2011 and will be charged for another year if we don't cancel now at the rate of $695.99

Company: Local US Yellow Pages
Country: USA
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The Berry Company / for Windstream Yellow Pages
Local Insight Yellow Pages Auto-renewed at a higher rate without contacting me

The Official Yellow Pages - THompson Hill Publishing
The Offical Yellow Pages, now they want over $500

Yellow Pages
Ripoff scam yellow pages

Your Yellow pages

Regional Yellow Pages Online
Did not Authorize

Your local friendly "Yellow Pages" for business owners? Better check again!

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

The Official Yellow Pages - THompson Hill Publishing
Missrepresented who they were. Would not tell me the antual name of their business

Global Yellow Pages
Not Really Them, attempted ripoff to get me to agree to pay for services by phone