They Released me after 6 months of working for them for some miss happs that happened wich were out of my hand. The truck I was driving had a bad tranny in it they knew about it but refussed to get me


I was released from Marten Transport after 3 incidents that were totoally out of my hands. And know they are using that to keep me from geting a job in my feild, the truck I was driving had a bad tranny in it, and would act up and had a lot of slop in it, they refussed to put me into a diff truck as I requested many times do to the tranny so after the small incedents happend they let me go clamimg that they were aviodabel, wich they would of been if it wasn't for the tranny in the truck was working propberly, and they would force dispatch you even thow there wasn't no force dispatch according to them, and as far as being a reginal driver for them, well that was out the window the frist tiem out, they ran me from pa all the way down to laredo TX. And i was to be midwest reginal. They are a complett rip off and speak untruths just to get you in to the front door.

Company: Marten
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Mondovi
Address: 1219 Marten
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Marten Transport
Marten transport transported different freight from shipper to consignee in time frame in which was giving to me by dispatch

Marten Transportation
Bad company

Marten Transportation
Screwed by Marten Ex-employee, they black-balled me now can't get into trucking

Marten Transport
You Drive for Marten Transport - DO NOT EXPECT THE BEST - ONLY FEW CAN FIND IT

Marten Transport
Ripoff moving trucking Specializes in protective service transportation of foods, chemicals and other products requiring temperature controlled or insulated carriage

Marten Transport
They lie about the fair pay scale

Marten Transport, Mondovi, Wisconsin
Marten Transport, Mondovi, WI Marten Transport branch in Richmont or Chester, Virginia. It's headquarter in Mondovi, Wisconsin Listed on DAC to have abandoned truck. Actually the truck was parked at driver's resident during a day off

Marten Transportation
Consumer Report

Marten Transport
Company that cares less about drivers or drivers reputation

Marten Transport
Lied to me, Ripped off My Pay, 1-Year of Communikty Service On Me!