Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


They took 99 dollars from checking account, stating I was approved for a credit card, I can't even afford a christmas tree. Crap that really hurts.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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First Capital Card, Platinum Express Card
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Platinum Credit Card
Ripoff dishonest sent $49 for express mailing tricked and lied to us dirty SOB's

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

USA Platinum
Ripoff 149.99 out of my checking account and never sent my credit card

Platinum BG
Ripoff They took $139.99 out of my checking account to issue a credit card I never received it

EPCCard (Express Platinum Card)
Consumer Report

Capital Choice Comsumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit Platinum Credit Card is Scam

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

1 USA Platinum Credit Card Co. -
1 USA Platinum Credit Card Co. The usaplatinum card co approved me for a card and i was chg'd $299.00 so that i could repair my credit Ripped off Uniontown Pennsylvania