DRI*EMZShopping MNMinnetonkaMN
Consumer Report


Unauthorized charge on credit card after already disputing the first charge and received a cancellation confirmation and refund confirmation, THEY DID IT AGAIN! Then refused to refund that amount because "the account is already closed".

Company: DRI*EMZShopping MNMinnetonkaMN
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Newark
ZIP: 19711
Address: 40 E. Main St., Suite 600
Phone: 8889006193
Site: extramoneyzone.com
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Bromalite/Fit Factory
Bromalite & Fit Factory combined scam - Ripoff

Ripoff by continued billing after you close account And Will Not Credit Overcharges

Consumer Report

Acai Berry
Unauthorized Charge

JacsHelp.com - Unauthorized Credit Card Charge for $29.84
Consumer Report

IK9 Privacy Matters 123
Privacy Matters 123 And/or IK9 Privacy Matters Fraudulent Charges, Unauthorized Charges, Stealing

Jt Card Services, Llc
Jt card services rip-off scam

Progressive Business Publications
Charged my credit card for a subscription never authorized or received

Mini CreditReport Services
CreditReport.com, Mini Creditreport.com recurrent charges, won't cancel, fraudulent charges, won't refund Canaga

Unauthorized Charge for $39.95 on credit card