California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report


In October we received a letter of notice from California Labor Compliance Bureau, asking us to pay $275 for the posting employee notices. We sent a check and found it was cleared very soon. We thought we should have received an employee posting paper from them, but until now we haven't got yet. So we checked the information online and found it's a false advertising. Could you make an investigation on it and let us know how we can get the money back?

We will appreciate you very much if you give us some help.

B. Regards

Company: California Labor Compliance Bureau
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90054
Address: 11601 Wilshire Blvd 5th Fl
Phone: 2138472651
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California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report

California Labor Compliance Bureau
Consumer Report