Promotion Discount Offers
Promotional Discount Offers ripoff I did not recieve what I was offered and was denied a refund New York


I was told that for $299 I'd recieve a $2,500 credit card within 15 days. I didn't recieve an card and was denied a refund

Company: Promotion Discount Offers
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Champlain
Address: PO Box 824
Phone: 8669696272
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Promotional Discount Offers
They tell you they will give you a credit card for $2,500.00 when you pay them $299.00, this a fraud. You do not get a credit card

Consumer Research Corporation, Product Test Panel

Promotional Discount Offers
Ripoff They misled me by saying I would get a $2500 major credit card

Overstock did not honor their promotion

Promotional Discount Offers
Needs to be shut down! One of the biggest scams ever! Rip-off!

Emarket Research Group
Ripoff the company said that if i filled out one offer to recieve a nintendo ds and two offers to recieve a sony video which was a big lie

Healthy Discount Card
Ripoff healthy discount card
Consumer Report

Consumer Discount Network and Advantage Auto Club
Consumer Discount Network is a scam and they definitely DO NOT follow through with their promises, Paidexpressions, Paid Expressions
Is not worth your time! Internet nationwide