Guaranteed Building Maintenance Co
Consumer Report


In mid May my insurance company sent an insurance ajuster to wright an estimate on the snow, ice and water damage to my home and he tolled me that i was going to have a large claim from the damage to my slate roof, gutters all around the house, my flat roof, and water damage to 11 rooms & closets inside the house aswell as a 12x12 shead in my back yard and he said i should get a contractor that can do all the repairs (the slate roof, the flat roof, all the gutters, and all the interior repairs). So around the first of June i called about 6 contractors in my yellow pages but only 1 answered and called me back about all the work i needed and when Guaranteed Building Maintenance Co. Owned by Daniel Truax at 20 Ponton Road Sturbridge MA. 01566 came to check out the work i needed around the end of the first week in June i showed him all the damage both inside and out side the house and at that time i gave him a copy of the itemized damage estimate from the insurance co. And at that time he said he could take care of all the work that needed to be done. I tolled Dan that the insurance claim rep./estimator left the claim on the roof open so he could contact the claim rep. On any damage that was missed or to do a suplament. Dan the contractor then tolled me that to take care of the ice problem to my gutters that he would need to ventilate the sofit all around the house and since this was not on the insurance estimate i asked Mr. Truax if the insurance would cover the extra work needed and if he could get it aproved because i had a lot of damage to the inside of my house about $25,000.00 worth and i both needed and wanted it ALL repaired and he said no problem that he would take care of everything TRUST ME he said i also asked him the same thing the day before he started the work and i asked him again as thy where starting to do the sofits on the first side and every time he said the same thing he would have enough and could do all the work needed and it was all aproved meaning the sofit work aswell he just said trust me. So on the 14 th of June he made up a ruff and vage contract to be signed to send to my mortgage co. So i could get the first check to start the work on my house (1/3 of the total claim less the recoverable depreciation). This cotract listed doing all the gutter and sofit work and the rubber membrain to repair the flat roof and then vagely listed interior repairs to some rooms and said interior repairs as described and then put the total cotract price at $43,474.28 Now the replacement cost value on the estimate is $42,634.42 less recoverable depreciation of $8,782.08 witch leaves the actual cash value at $33,852.34 less deductible of $500.00 leaving a net claim of $33,352.43 plus total recoverable depreciation of $8,782.08 leaves a net claim if depreciation is recovered at $42,134.42 PLUS my net claim for other structures if total depreciation is also recovered at $1,339.86 witch leaves a grand total of $43,474.28 Mr. Truax took the full complete total from my insurance estimate to the penny and put it to his vagely wrighten contract. When he was done with the outside of the house around the begining of August (done with the slate, the gutters & sofit, and flat roof) the bank came to inspect so i could get the second check released. The bank inspector took pictures of all the damage that need to be repaired and cleared me to get the second check so now Mr. Truax has received 2 checks of $11,480.04 each = $22,960.08 plus i paid him $1,800.00 extra to do the sofit area and around the widows on 2 dormers so the house would look nice on the outside (and i was tolled i paid way to much to do thou's 2 dormers) so at that time he has now received $24,760.08 Now that he is done with the out side of the house i complain about the mess thy left from all the paint and junk that came down when thy where cutting holes in my sofit the mess was all around the base of the house and i suspect that the paint is lead and he did not do anything to protect my grounds or klean any of the mess up plus he damaged several screans. Now he tells me i may have to wait till mid October or later before he can do the work inside i said that would not do and now he tells me he has $28,000.00 (not counting the $1,800.00 i gave him for the dormers) in just the outside of the house so now if you deduct the $1,339.86 for the other structure that leaves the $42,134.42 less the $28,000.00 he said he wants for the outside only so that now leaves only $14,134.42 to do about $24,802.18 worth of work to the interior. So i said what about the interior still he said he would get it all done so now by the end of August Mr. Truax finaly gets someone to start on the inside of the house so i then show this guy the estimate and what is expected to be done to each room i then fined out that Mr. Truax had this guy put in a bid to do only what Mr. Truax wanted done and the way he wanted it done and this guys bid was for around $7,000.00 and that included all materials as well as this mans pay to do all 11 rooms so now i am starting to get pissed off i wanted to know how he was going to get all the work done as descibed in the estimate i tolled him the inside was about $25,000.00 and he then tolled me to call the claims ajuster and get him out to the house and then call the insurance co. To see if there was a suplament of some kind so i called them both and was tolled that the contractor had not contacted anyone for any kined of suplament so there was no extra money to get the inside done proper. So now there scraping and just painting where thy should be pulling down old plaster and redoing walls and sealings so no wall or sealing was treated for mold and some walls and sealings where torn down but there where done half assed and the quality is so bad that you can see every screw every seam and you can even see what looks like flat over semi gloss so the walls look bad and in one room that should have had the sealing torn down and thy would not take it down i paid for sheat rock to go up on the sealing in that room plus i bought more paint and supplies over $400.00 worth out of my pocket to try to get the rooms finished because the guy doing the work that Mr. Truax got to do the job had no more money and Mr. Truax was not going to give him anymore so to get the job done i paid out of my own pocket and the work still looks like crap and still 2 rooms where not even touched. But because some of the rooms that he only wanted scraped and painted where now starting to have stains blead through i was not going to have him do the same to the last room that he was going to have to do a lot more than just scrape & paint he then tolled me that he never wanted to do the interior that he only dose roofs & sideing and that as far as he is conserned he was ALL DONE WITH ME he then verbaly assalted me and then my wife so i won't let him anywhere near my property meanwhile he had me call the bank a few days earlyer to have them come out for the final inspection to get the last check the bank had another $11,480.04 but after the inspector came he said the job is defenetly not done and thy will not release the last check. So know Guaranteed building Maintenance Co. Mr. Daniel Truax is placing a lien against my property for the sum of $20,501.42 and he has NOT finished the inside of my house not to the banks sadisfaction and not to mine ether. Now Mr Truax has scamed me by liying to me and tricking me into spending an extra $10,000.00 in doing the sofits when in my case it was not needed as i was tolled by the claims ajuster because the way my house was built and the way the contractor ventilated the sofits it was not going to help much at all and i did not realy have a problem to start with we just had an extra bad winter last year plus he scamed me by telling me he could do all the work when he realy did not want to have anything to do with the inside he just wanted to get all the money by doing the outside of the house. And now i have had 3 other contractors here to inspect and give me quots on what it would cost to finish the inside plus i had them check out the flat roof because i did not like the way it was done and i have been tolled that i will have a problem with it and it may not last 2 or 3 years and even thou the rubber membrain is guaranteed for 30 years and the seams for 10 years becase it was not piched and the fact that thy placed the homesote board over soping wet gravel this board will brake down and decompose and then the membrain will fail and the guarantee will be void because it was not properly instaled and because of liability to do the inside thy would have to re do everything that Mr. Truax had done to the inside so it will still cost me about $25,000.00 to do the inside right plus what ever it will cost to re do the flat roof plus i also have the problem with removing Mr. Truax from any claim to the money my bank is still holding. And besides the mess thy left me to klean up out side i could wright a book on the mess and damge done to the inside of my home as well as the damge done to a new vinal floor that this idiot did by using sand paper to klean up paint on a vinal floor and i have taken as many pictures as i can but it looks like it will take a long time before i can get my house finished and back in order.
HOME OWNERS bewere of Daniel Truax of Guaranteed Building Maintenance Co. Of Sturbridge MA.
Signed one realy (Inappropriate Content Removed) off home owner
David Maricola
(Personal Information Removed)

Company: Guaranteed Building Maintenance Co
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Sturbridge
ZIP: 01566
Address: 20 Ponton Street
Phone: 5083478981
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Needham Roofing - Matt Needham
Don In Sales Said no problem-they would charge back to insurance to cover deductible and out of pocket DeSoto

Ameriquest Mortgage - AM
C ripoff

Fannie Mae
17129 w buckhorn dr peeples valley az - 17129 w buckhorn dr kirkland az

U S Land Corporation
U s land mortgage charged double for a house that is not worth what we were trying to pay

Dave Houde Straight Line Siding And Remodeling - Superior Remodeling
Cheated, Lied, ripped us off, unfinished work, ripoff

Canyon State Enterprises, LLC
Replaced only part of my roof, did not finish the job. Was paid by insurance to do the entire roof

Saxon Mortgage Company
Having trouble with our insurance check getting endorsed by Saxon. Ft Worth

Imperial Heating & Air Conditioning
Roof Repai

Sergio Lopez Quality Building & Remodeling, AKA Triple L Construction
I will gladly perform the work tomorrow for payment today good friend then go get a job with United Built and never finish many phases of the job

Rhode Construction
Rhode Contractors Building, Construction, Roofing, re-modeling, Contractor, Contractors - General, Gutters & Downspouts, Construction & Remodeling Services, Siding Contractors, Roofing Contractors