Needham Roofing - Matt Needham
Don In Sales Said no problem-they would charge back to insurance to cover deductible and out of pocket DeSoto

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After April storm got estimate from my insurance and then called Needham Roofing. Salesman Don looked at my insurance policy and estimate. I told him they had depreciated and I could not pay any out of pocket. He said oh no problem. We can charge insurance and not do everything and cover your deductible. Don said they would pay back depreciation after the work was done. I told him he could do the job only if I would not owe anything. He assured me that I would owe nothing because insurance would pay them back. We agreed that if necessary we would not replace gutters in order to cover deductible and roof. Don lost paperwork and called wanting my copy a couple of weeks later. I told him just call insurance.

In July after many calls and excuses the crew showed up. A storm came in while roof was off. The crew stepped from the roof to the top of my fence and did damage. Three rooms inside leaked. Fence has not been repaired and the ceiling inside was sprayed with white paint to cover damage (does not match at all).

In August I get a call from Don saying he made a mistake and I would owe them about $4000.00. Keep in mind this is 4 months after the fact and he had a copy of my insurance and said no problem. He says the insurance still has a small check for them and be sure and send it to him.

Someone dropped the ball at Needham. I have found out since from a neighbor that they had same type problem with them. Lots of lies and much of work was poorly done. Question of how many people speak English and are they legal was brought up.

Company: Needham Roofing - Matt Needham
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Desoto
Address: 111 Executive Way
Phone: 9725728400
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