Crain, Catone And James Attorney Firm - ebay
Ebay sellers Crain, Catone and James Attorney Firm Rip-off! Violation of Texas Deceptive Practices Act! Failed to state condition of desk we bought! Houston


We bought from these 27 attorneys a reception desk on ebay. They failed to disclose that the desk was in very poor damaged condition and 14 years old, paint chipping, broken front counter, wood needed repair. They violated the Texas Deceptive Practices Act and also the FTC rules and regulations as well as those of ebay.

We won the square trade dispute on ebay as they failed to even respond. But they still have the information I posted on their site. My advise is don't do business with these people. And since they are 27 Attorneys they think or the president Larry George thinks he can push people around. They're at 1401 McKinney Street Suite 17005 Houston Cente

Company: Crain, Catone And James Attorney Firm - ebay
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: 5 Houston Center
Address: Houston, Texas
Phone: 7136582323
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Maple City Wholesalers - James Gambrel - Karaoke46350
Ebay Member ripoff, fraudulent business on ebay, very dishonest, buyer beware, ebay will not help

Ebay-CEO John Donovan
Seller lisied as "rabin70" Ebay allows sellers to circumvent dispute filing period and then refuse to accept a dispute

Paypal, seller id Rabin70 Fraudulent operation, no buyer protection as advertised, seller can circumvent ebay rules easily

Square Trade, Ebay, Houston Motor Cars
Deception, invalid warranty, void contract agreement, theft, fraud

Consumer Report

Knetgolf on Ebay, knetgolfcanada, On Ebay theY sell low grade junk Golf Balls as "MINT CONDITION"

Ebay, Inc
John Donahoe Lies to their sellers and Buyers and is unfair and unprofessional

Ebay And
Ebay has over 1,700 complaints on file with just the bbb alone ebay is a scam itself! Complain about ebay and get results!

James Morrison - ebay
James Morrison on ebay is a lying jerk that will rip you off! Rip-off!

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