Consumer Report


Signed up to a website saying it was to check backgrounds for a dting website it said it was free I signed up twice cause the fist time didn't go through but now I'm showing it took $49.97 & $43.67 outta my account for two websites I never signed up fo

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

ICM Internet Cash Machine
It was offering a free trial for 2.97 and if you signed up you would get your package within 2-3 days. I signed up & three days later i still haven't receive my package & they charged 149.95 to my acct

Home Website Builde
Consumer Report

ICM websites - internet cash machines
Say Starting Kit is only 2.95 then charges you 139.95 even though you are supposed to get a 3-day free trial

Universal Gas & Electric
They don't even check id's flint michigan

Beri Ultimate Pro
Consumer Report

Grant Funding Search
Advertises CD for $1.00 then charges bank account 69.95

Easyfeesee - JAGSWC
I signed up for something that was described to me as free, never got a confirmation online and then starting receiving emails from different companies thanking me for registering with them and gave m Orlando

This online credit monitoring will rip you off! Free trial period is NOT free

Sunny Travel and Dream Escapes
You signed up tfor a free cruise